Below you will find a list of volunteer opportunities that are typically available. If you find one of interest, please fill out the associated application form.
- Submit a volunteer application online.
- Schedule a sanctuary visit to get an overview of One Heart Wild Education Sanctuary and our mission.
- After receiving your application, and meeting you through the tour, we will schedule your training.
Volunteer shifts start at 10 am every day of the week, and are scheduled in advance with our key volunteers. Volunteers are expected to stay for three hours per shift and work at least three shifts per month to stay in touch with routines and animal relationships. We ask that volunteers commit to at least six months of service for these same reasons. We welcome volunteering with a group or your family members (those under age 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian)! We recommend you keep track of your volunteer mileage, it may be tax-deductible; talk to your financial advisor.
Our physical volunteer jobs are related to caring for animals, landscaping, building and repair projects, gardening, and general clean-up. These are physically demanding jobs so volunteers must be in good shape and not suffer from allergies to animals or hay, have low back pain or orthopedic medical issues.
If hands-on physical work is not a good fit for you, we have many opportunities for supporting One Heart Wild through organizing, clerical type work, technical expertise, graphic design, special events, outreach and fundraising support.
- Click here to access the online application.
Underage Volunteers: For important safety reasons, individuals aged 12 to 17 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian in order to work inside any animal housing facilities. Individuals 15-17 are welcome to volunteer without a parent/guardian with the understanding that they will not be working within animal housing areas.
Children under 12 are not allowed to volunteer at the sanctuary but are welcome to visit during a scheduled sanctuary event or to participate in our Animals & Empathy program. Contact us if you would like more information about Animals & Empathy or to request we bring Animals & Empathy to your child’s classroom or group.
Children under 12 are not allowed to volunteer at the sanctuary but are welcome to visit during a scheduled sanctuary event or to participate in our Animals & Empathy program. Contact us if you would like more information about Animals & Empathy or to request we bring Animals & Empathy to your child’s classroom or group.