1. Recovery builds on nutrition that supports wellness.
Nutritious, enjoyable food and novel living conditions that conform as much as possible to species and individual needs, are essential to restore psychological and physical well-being.
Nutritious, enjoyable food and novel living conditions that conform as much as possible to species and individual needs, are essential to restore psychological and physical well-being.
2. A healthy environment includes social and emotional support.
Many non-human animals experience profound rupture and betrayal of the social contract. Often they have been separated from family and have lived in isolation. This causes them to lose the innate sense of belonging and connection with those nature intended to support their very identity. Making and reviving healthy relationships and a sense of belonging and emotional connection in sanctuary are all vital for recovery.
Many non-human animals experience profound rupture and betrayal of the social contract. Often they have been separated from family and have lived in isolation. This causes them to lose the innate sense of belonging and connection with those nature intended to support their very identity. Making and reviving healthy relationships and a sense of belonging and emotional connection in sanctuary are all vital for recovery.
3. Implicit to a healthy environment is the absense of threat or dominance.
The right and ability to move, think, express oneself and be in one's body without fear is a basic necessity to well-being.
The right and ability to move, think, express oneself and be in one's body without fear is a basic necessity to well-being.
4. A threat-free environment requires provisions for a safe container for calm healing.
Every individual needs a place of retreat that suits her unique needs, where he can regroup when overwhelmed; a place where one has complete control and certainty of rest and peace.
Every individual needs a place of retreat that suits her unique needs, where he can regroup when overwhelmed; a place where one has complete control and certainty of rest and peace.
5. Every individual should be seen as an individual.
Within every species there is vast diversity in personality and individuality. To the greatest degree possible, individual self-determination and self-expression should be permitted.
Within every species there is vast diversity in personality and individuality. To the greatest degree possible, individual self-determination and self-expression should be permitted.
6. Each individual should be able to give voice and to be heard.
Having one's needs and values met through healthy food, safe housing, and opportunties to form intimate, lasting relationships is integral to moving from a sense of powerlessness to recovery.
Having one's needs and values met through healthy food, safe housing, and opportunties to form intimate, lasting relationships is integral to moving from a sense of powerlessness to recovery.
7. Individuals require the freedom to make decisions that affect their lives.
Having a sense of agency, knowing one can ask for something and receive it, being provided a choice, are critical components in the revival of the core self.
Having a sense of agency, knowing one can ask for something and receive it, being provided a choice, are critical components in the revival of the core self.
8. Deep listening reinstates a resident's authority, avoiding his/her marginalization.
Being responsive to the environment and how sanctuary life functions provides opportunities for the residents to interact with the daily routine of their care. Meal flexibility and the ability to change-up sleeping places or other minor, day-to-day routines helps accomplish this.
Being responsive to the environment and how sanctuary life functions provides opportunities for the residents to interact with the daily routine of their care. Meal flexibility and the ability to change-up sleeping places or other minor, day-to-day routines helps accomplish this.
9. Every individual has the right to experience life as fully as possible.
10. Every individual deserves a sense of joy and an enthusiasm for living.